03 October 2016

Young Leaders Weekend

I recently attended a Young Leaders weekend, as a leader myself. I was able to organise and run a session on gifts, and what out talents, skills and gifts might be. I also organised a team challenge, and brought a number of board games with me.

The team challenge was a 'Present Wrapping Challenge'. It required everyone to team up into groups of 2, so we had 4 pairs.  Each pair would be stood before a table that had a box, some wrapping paper, some tape and some ribbon. One person from each pair was to stand behind the other and put their arms under the arms of the person in front. This person was allowed to wrap the present, but were not allowed to look. The other player was allowed to look, but not allowed to touch. For anyone that didn't feel comfortable doing this, their pair had one person blindfolded, and the other one instructing.

This game was welcomed with enthusiasm, and everyone engaged in an attempt to be the first to wrap their present. Some people even resorted to using their chins to hold things in place, so the other player could stick things down.

Later in the day, we had some free time, and so I had the opportunity to teach some young people how to play 'The Resistance- Avalon'. Sadly I was unable to attain my own copy of this game, so I resorted to printing my own version before attending the weekend. I didn't use any of the artwork for the game, but simply printed the Game Rules that I found online.

For the cards, board and pieces, I printed my own blank cards with names and appropriate colour coding. Players could then easily drawn their own characters on, which made the game-play much more engaging and personal.

I was able to explain the game-play in a simplistic way, to prevent the need to read the rules too much. Since the game was one I had formed myself, I was able to give it to one of the young people to keep. I have also added this game, and the resource I made to my MA website, allowing people without the game to try it out, but still recommending players to purchase the game.


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